
Welcome to the Logical Property Management Blog. Below you'll find blog posts specific to Property Owners or Tenants to learn more about how we work and what you should be looking for.


Investing in Detroit Properties: A Fairy Tale

Don’t stake your claim until you know the potential pitfalls. Investing in Detroit Properties – Once upon a time, a somewhat-nobleman of modest wealth from a land far, far away heard whispers of our land, which was of course just as far away from him as he is to us. The whispers traveled across the […]


No Office Space? The Benefits of Being Online-Only

Companies are certainly catching onto the trend of “no office space” and it’s changing the way they work.   One of the aspects of Royal Rose Properties that our owners and tenant find the most disconcerting is that we have no office space. There’s no door you can go knock on and have someone from […]


Getting Better Tenants Starts with Being a Better Landlord

Just because you own some rental property doesn’t make you a better person. It’s easy, when you’re a landlord, to think of tenants as sources of rent money that sometimes uncontrollably damage their environments with their own stupidity or ignorance. That attitude leads quickly to a situation where you as the landlord are basically spending […]


Your Property Management Agreement: What Does It Mean?

A Contract is a written list of the promises you have made. A Property Management Agreement is a complicated document. We get enough questions about ours that we figured we should probably do a little “Plain English” breakdown of the beasts. Keeping in mind, we’re not lawyers and nothing we say should be taken as […]


Property Investment, Effort Shock, and the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Not to be confused with the Freddy-Kruger Effect, which is much scarier. You know how everyone always laughs at teenagers because they think they know everything? It turns out that there’s a great reason for that — it’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and it essentially says “people who don’t know how complex a field is […]


What to Invest In Before you Rent That House Out

Drew’s Third Law: If you don’t invest enough to bring the property up to the level of the neighborhood, the property will bring you DOWN to the level of the neighborhood. Many times, when purchasing a rental home at a low price, the home needs a lot of work. For you to get the most […]


DIY Landlords & the Power of Formality, Part 1: Why Worry?

It’s OK to relax, isn’t it? They’re your friends, right? DIY landlords have to do everything that a property management company does, and that’s a pretty long list. (Check our last post for a good example!) The advantage that a DIY landlord has is that they frequently don’t have to be as formal as a […]


3 Low-Stress, High-Profit Tips for the Investor/Landlord

QoL+RoI FtW! Some people choose to be landlords; others have landlordship thrust upon them. The first group tends to embrace the challenges of landlording — they’re playing the game to achieve peak profit margins. The second group often simply wants to make a little side money without having to put a lot of effort in. […]


Marketing a Property Management Service to Landlords

As opposed to marketing to tenants, which is a very different manner. When you’re striving to grow a property management business, you have essentially three groups of ‘investor clients’ that your marketing efforts can target: Property owners who never really intended to manage a rental, but ended up with a spare home or two that […]


What a Lease Can’t Do For You

It’s the lease we…can’t…do? Nah. Last week, we wrote extensively about the many facets of a comprehensive lease agreement. But what we didn’t touch on (and should!) is the number of things that legally cannot appear in a lease. Depending on the precise circumstances, having one or more of these clauses in your lease could […]

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