Every day we strive for incremental improvements – no matter how small, they add up over time.
Search Available Homes
Scheduling Showing(s)
Approval Criteria
Pet Policy
Application Options
Application Fee(s)
Required Documents
You’re Approved!
Holding Fee
Lease Signing
Utility Activations
Scheduling MoveIn
Have questions about a
specific step in our process?
Please click on an icon for an overview or read more for in-depth information.

Find Affordable Rentals in Detroit: A Guide for Tenants
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Tenants: Don’t Fall Victim to ‘Squatter’ Scams!
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Best Areas to Rent in the City of Detroit for 2024
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Search Available Homes
You can search our available homes via a list or a map. Click on any that interest you to see details, multiple pics, to schedule a showing and to apply online. Homes eligible for Section 8 and pets will be noted.
We try to give you as much information as possible on each home, so you don’t waste your time viewing unsuitable ones. In addition to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, we include room sizes, basement and garage info, location, school district and more. You’ll also find numerous pictures to help you decide if you want to pursue a showing.
Scheduling Showing(s)
All showings are easily scheduled online! Self-Showings may be available allowing you to see a home at your convenience. Otherwise you can schedule an Agent Showing online.
We use technology to make scheduling a showing easy for you anytime of the day. Please note all showings are required to be scheduled online, our staff cannot do so for you.
Approval Criteria
We do not have any set criteria for approvals, we simply require you to provide enough information to convince us you will pay rent on time and take care of the home properly. Your application can be applied to any home we manage, but your income must be acceptable for the rent amount. So, tell us your story when you submit your application!
We perform full credit and background checks as well as checking sex offender lists. Convictions, evictions, bankruptcies and negative credit must be acceptably explained in writing. Verification of rent payments to your last two landlords are required.
All sources of income are accepted, including Section 8, but your voucher must cover the rent without any utilities included. Please check with your Caseworker for guidance.
We also require a bank or debit card statement for the most recent month.
All this information is used to determine a debt-to-income ratio. Ratios over 50% may require an acceptable cosigner.
Pet Policy
Many of our staff have pets, so we’re really pet friendly!
Unfortunately, we’ve dealt with terrible pet owners that take poor care of their pets, let them destroy the home, etc.
So, we require a picture of your pet(s) as part of our approval process. Pet approval depends on the strength of YOUR approval, the type of pet, number of pets, etc.
If you receive Pet Approval, there’s a one-time Pet Fee of $100-$300/pet, a monthly Pet Fee of $50-100/pet and our Renters Insurance product is required
Application Options
You have multiple options to apply with us! Online is the fastest and easiest, but you can also download our application as a PDF and fill it out online or print it and fill it out. You can email or fax us the documents we require – we do not accept hand delivery.
Please make sure to fully complete your application to avoid processing delays. This includes listing all occupants, pets and providing contact information for your last two landlords.
Application Fee(s)
Our application fee covers our hard costs to obtain credit reports and background checks. The cost is $25 per person over 18 and living in the home (dependents exempt) and is under no circumstances refundable.
Application fees can be paid online, directly to our bank account and by credit card via PayPal.
Required Documents
Please note the following, so your application can be processed efficiently:
- All occupants 18 or over, unless claimed as dependent on another applicant’s tax return, MUST be added as a Co-Applicant and supply the info listed below.
- All dependents occupying the home must have their names, dates of birth & relationships disclosed please.
We require the following from each applicant:
- Application Fee: A $25 NONREFUNDABLE application fee per applicant (not dependents).
—Can be paid at our website (Application Fee Payment Options button) using credit or debit card via PayPal. - Identity Verification: Copy of driver’s license or state picture ID, & Social Security Card.
- Residence History: List of places each applicant has lived for last 2 years with landlord name & phone (let us know if a relative), monthly rent amount, Start & End Dates.
- Income/Employment Stability & Verification:List of employers for last 2 years with Start & End Dates
—Most recent year-to-date paystub (not screenshot) & last year’s W-2(s) (not tax return).
—Social Security, Disability Income, etc. requires latest award letter
—If self-employed submit latest federal tax return, including Schedule C. - Asset Verification: All pages of all recent bank or debit card statements (PDF not screenshots). Used to verify income and that you have MoveIn Funds.
- Letter of Explanation: Please explain any income-related issues, court filed eviction hearings, bankruptcies, chargeoffs/collections, convictions, child support income or payments and garnishments.
Warning: we will not accept documents with blacked out information.
We do not make exceptions on our document requirements.
Once you turn in your information our underwriter may have questions or request additional information. Please submit requested explanations and additional information as quickly as possible for a quick approval.
You’re Approved!
Once underwriting approves your application we send you a congratulations email with a Sample Lease and Holding Fee Agreement. The home is not yours until the agreement is signed and returned.
This is the time to review our lease and ask any questions about it.
Holding Fee
We require a nonrefundable Holding Fee to reserve a home for you until your MoveIn. A home is marketed and up for grabs until both a signed Holding Fee Agreement and Holding Fee are received.
The maximum amount of time we will typically hold a home for a MoveIn Date, after the Holding Fee is paid, is two weeks. Holding Fees are not refundable except under specific circumstances.
Lease Signing
For your convenience, leases are emailed to you for digital signature once we have an agreed upon MoveIn Date. This allows you to use the signed lease to arrange any utility activations.
Again, please review our lease before signing it and ask any questions you may have.
Utility Activations
We recommend scheduling electricity and gas utilities to be turned on the day of MoveIn or before. Water Affidavits are required to turn on water for homes in municipalities that offer them.
We schedule turnoffs for all utilities on your MoveIn Date. So, it is in your best interests to make sure to schedule your utility turn-ons. We do not make exceptions.
Scheduling MoveIn
Keys are turned over to you once all required funds are paid, utilities activated in your name and the MoveIn Checklist has been completed. We also video you pointing out the issues noted on the Checklist.
On your MoveIn Date we will send a representative to meet you at the home to complete the MoveIn Checklist. We also video this to make sure there are no discrepancies in interpretation. You have two weeks after the Movein Date to send us an updated Checklist.