
Welcome to the Logical Property Management Blog. Below you'll find blog posts specific to Property Owners or Tenants to learn more about how we work and what you should be looking for.


Do You Have a Senior-Oriented Property?

Know yourself, and know your target tenant, and you will survive a thousand rentals. While it’s true that seniors are more likely to own than rent at present, that trend may be changing. Estimates are that there will be some 2.2 million more senior renters by the end of the decade as the Baby Boomers […]


Customizing Your Business for the Millennials

Millennials are the future — and there’s no reason not to tap the market starting today. If you’re not familiar with the term ‘Millennials,’ it refers to the generation that, in the late 80s and early 90s, was called “Generation Y” (because it was the generation after Generation X, naturally.) They’ve earned the nickname because […]


5 Quick Ways to Increase Curb Appeal Before You Rent

Even if there’s no curb, you still need curb appeal. There’s always a tug-of-war when you’re getting a rental property ready to show to a new prospect. On the one hand, you want the place to look better than it already does, no matter how good it looks now. On the other hand, you have […]


The Pros and Cons of Going Section 8

Section 8 is not for everyone or every property, but too many landlords have misconceptions about the program.   Section 8 is a government program that pays a portion of the rent for qualifying low-income families. It’s a great program from the low-income tenant’s perspective, but landlords are often unsure of whether they should accept […]


Advertise Your Rental — Don’t Stop Until It Rents!

One of the biggest mistakes in judgement is pulling your ads too early. So many times, we see properties with vacant units, and zero advertisements in the local market, and we ask ourselves what the owner is thinking. Barring unique circumstances, there is exactly one way to maximize the return on your property, and that’s […]


Why August is the Best Month to Advertise Your Rental!

It’s always the right time to advertise — but only August is the best time! There are a lot of theories bandied back and forth about when the best time to try to advertise your rental is. Our thoughts are the August is the month for rental properties, because it’s the month for motivated people […]


Tenants Abandoning Detroit…

We’ve seen a sharp increase in the number of tenants calling on our rentals that are moving from Detroit! It’s our corporate policy to ask every prospective tenant where they live now and why they’re moving.  We do it to better understand what type of home they’re looking for and what we have that might […]


How Long Does it Take to Find a Tenant?

Every time a property we manage goes vacant, the first thing the property owner wants to know is, how fast can we find another tenant to put in it. This makes perfect sense as most property owners either have a mortgage on their property that needs to be paid or they’re living off the cashflow […]

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