Author: Marketing Admin


Tenant Payment Performance Update v2023 – 09

We’re not aware of any other local management company sending their clients these types of updates! Please let us know if you hear of another company doing so. Please be sure to share this with anyone you know interested in real estate investing or looking for a better property manager, so they can see what […]


Are Your Rents Below-Market? Here Are 3 Ways To Adjust Your Rents

Maddie and Isabella have identical rental properties—think Madame Mallory’s Saule Pleureur across the street from Hassan’s family restaurant in The Hundred-Foot Journey. The two businesses have a committed clientele, but when the market turns, one strategy determines their success or failure. Maddie focuses on maintaining occupancy. Meanwhile, across the street, Isabella watches market trends and […]


Wholesaling Contracts: What Should You Include to Guarantee Success?

The Wholesaling Contract is the bread and butter of real estate investment, and key clauses can make or break the deal. Some key clauses in the contract serve as pillars that ensure the document is airtight and that you’re protected against sale issues—without these key phrases, the whole sales cycle could be ruined, and famed […]


Netflix & Flip: 5 Best House Flipping Shows to Watch in 2023

House flipping is all the rage right now. We all love them, whether we’re expanding our house-flipping portfolio or watching home renovations for fun. There’s nothing quite like seeing a run-down house turn into a beautiful home. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are a few of the best house-flipping shows of all time. […]


Why Rent Checks are Obsolete (And What You Should Do Instead)

How should your tenants pay for their monthly rental fees? This is a hot topic among landlords—finding out the best way to collect monthly rental payments. Some landlords still prefer the traditional method of collecting rent checks and depositing them in the bank. In contrast, other landlords have fully embraced technology and have gone digital, […]


Tenant Payment Performance Update v2023-08

We’re not aware of any other local management company sending their clients these types of updates! Please let us know if you hear of another company doing so. Please be sure to share this with anyone you know interested in real estate investing or looking for a better property manager, so they can see what […]


Prorated Rent: How and Why You Should Calculate It

For landlords, maximizing profitability is one of the most important things about renting out a property. And a big part of that is minimizing vacancy times. So, if you want to maximize your profits, it’s better to be flexible to accommodate tenants who wish to move in the middle of the month, or who want […]


How to Spot Fake Emotional Support Animal Letters

Over the past decade, emotional support animals (ESA) have become the topic of discussion, popping up everywhere, from airports to rental properties. While these animals can provide their owners with great companionship and support, people have been faking emotional support animals just to bend the rules and keep their pets in rental units where animals […]


2023 Rent Reductions Update

As a real estate investor, you’ve probably noticed that the rental market has been on a rollercoaster ride these past few years. From the pandemic-driven frenzy in 2020 to the subsequent slowdown in 2021, it seems like we’re back to dealing with a challenging landscape in 2023. So, if you want to understand the trends […]

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